Thursday, August 10, 2006

Caffe Seit

Caffe Seit
...from the Coffee Cafe
by Louise Bergmann DuMont

"Luisa. Caffe Seit!" I still hear the echo of my mother’s call despite the years that have lapsed.

Although "Caffe Seit" means "coffee time" in my native German tongue, this repast embraces so much more than grabbing a mug of Java. Simple sweets are usually served along with the coffee and if company is expected, we might be treated to the likes of a rich butter cream torte, a fruit laden tart heaped with fresh whipped cream, or melt-in-your-mouth Butter Cookies. My mom seldom had to call me twice since, along with my love for coffee, I had a real weakness for desserts.

There is something special about coffee served with home baked goodies. They fit together like rosy cheeks and a young child. The slight bite of the coffee is a perfect match for the sweet, creaminess of cheesecake or the crisp snap of a thin wafer cookie. When I was a child, this wonderful blend of coffee and sweets would always bring a smile; but as I grew older, I realized that the confectioneries and the tasty beverage were only a small part of what brought me pleasure. The purpose of coffee time was to relax and delight the good things of God. Caffe Seit was not an option in my mother’s home. There was no guilt for leaving our work and no hesitation to do so. This rest was to be savored and everything else would have to wait. There is a lot to be learned from the practice of Caffe Seit. The world of the 21st century tells us to rush around twenty-four seven, but God calls us to take regular breaks. When I sip my coffee, a staple in my home, I am reminded that God supplies my daily needs. As I nibble my special treats I realize that God also sends me extraordinary blessings.

I'm grateful that my mother taught me to work hard but I'm also glad she reminded me to set aside my work to spend time with family, friends and the One who provides me with both the honorable staples and the delightful extravagances.

"For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.."Exodus 20:11


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