Tuesday, June 28, 2005


by Louise Bergmann DuMont

The dazzling fireworks turned our sedate adult get-together, into a gathering of animated, oversized children. A red and blue striped bow-tie bobs against the crisp white shirt of one elderly gent as he bounces from foot to foot exclaiming the merits of each new demonstration. I find my own eyes growing wide with pleasure as the gold streamers of a particularly beautiful display reflect in my husband's chocolate eyes. Each spectacle seems grander than the last but is surprisingly unequaled by the one that follows.

What is it about 4th of July fireworks that makes my heart flutter and causes that rush of unashamed pride? I ponder this thought as I attempt to enjoy a spoon of rich coffee ice cream, only to find nothing but air crosses my lips. Unable to look down to the bowl (I fear missing even the smallest portion of the sky-show), I lift an empty spoon. My culinary pleasure seems so trivial in comparison to the events taking place above us. For me the fire-in-the-sky is far more than a glittery nighttime exhibition -- fireworks are synonymous with freedom itself.

Freedom is a flash of hope against a backdrop of evil. Its fire lights the way for children to frolic in cornfields and dance on inner city streets. The power behind its strength is often underestimated and those who misuse it -- will eventually get burned. When freedom is ignited, its thunderous sound rings in humanity's ears long past the initial earsplitting bang. Those who witness freedom's dazzling flash on the midnight of suppression, can try to shut their eyes -- but its image is so intense that it must linger in their mind.

Fireworks are the perfect symbol of our freedom and I pray that until the return of my Lord, they forever carry their message to the dark places of this world.

… but whenever a person turns to the Lord, the veil is removed. Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
2 Corinthians 3:16-17
(c) 2005 Louise Bergmann DuMont


At 6/28/2005 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful post!


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